Education Bangladesh

Über Earth Caravan

Our Mission

The Earth Caravan is a global intercultural pilgrimage dedicated to peace, healing, and justice for the most traumatic places on our planet. Since 2015 the Earth Caravan has traveled from Nagasaki to Hiroshima, from Auschwitz to Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to Serbia, and from the First Nations of Canada to Israel and Palestine.

Through its annual activities and initiatives, Earth Caravan inspires thousands of people all around the globe to work for the bright future we share.

Our Mission

Pilgrimage dedicated to peace, healing, and justice

Our Goal

To create a world of loving communities that take care of each other


Inspires thousands of people all around the globe

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Our Goal

The Earth Caravan aims to create a world of loving communities that take care of each other and take responsibility for other people’s happiness.

Peace is established only when people overcome differences of race, country, religion, and ethnicity. We believe that it is critical for Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, and indigenous peoples to pray and work together, connect, and deepen our shared bonds to establish lasting and true friendships.

Der Bürgermeister von Hiroshima hat Earth Caravan eine spezielle Genehmigung erteilt und es ermöglicht, die Hiroshima Friedensflamme von Japan nach Nordamerika, Europa und in den Mittleren Osten zu bringen. Die Friedensflamme stammt aus einem der Feuer, die im August 1945, nach dem Abwurf der Atombombe über Hiroshima, in der Stadt brannten.

The Caravan was conceived by members of Tao Sangha, a Buddhist nongovernmental organization founded by the internationally renowned Buddhist priest and master of Tao Shiatsu, Ryokyu Endo.


Earth Caravan ist eine weltweite, interkulturelle Pilgerreise. Ihr Ziel ist Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und Heilung für traumatisierte Orte unseres Planeten. Seit 2015 reist die Friedensinitiative von Nagasaki nach Hiroshima, von Auschwitz nach Srebrenica in Bosnien-Herzegowina sowie nach Serbien, von den First Nations Kanadas bis nach Israel und Palästina.

