Our First 4 Years

The Earth Caravan is a global interfaith pilgrimage whose mission is to share peace, happiness, and healing in the world through words, art, music, shiatsu therapy, and inter­religious prayers. The Caravan started in 2015 and every year travels to cities and places around the globe, sharing our strong message of peace, hope, and ways of living to help heal the wounds of war, violence, and disaster.

The mayor of Hiroshima has given the Caravan special permission to bring the Hiroshima Peace Flame on the Caravan’s voyage from Japan, to North America and the Middle East. The Peace Flame was taken from one of the flames that burned after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945.

The Caravan was conceived of by members of Tao Sangha, a Buddhist non­governmental organization founded by the internationally renowned Buddhist priest and master of Tao Shiatsu, Ryokyu Endo.

Earth Caravan 2015

The year 2015 represented the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To commemorate and honor the memory of those who perished during World War II, the Earth Caravan was born.

Starting from Hiroshima in Japan continuing to Auschwitz in Europe, and ending its journey in Jerusalem in Israel-Palestine, the Earth Caravan travelled more than 13,000 km to bring peace and healing to those places on the planet most affected by violence and injustice.

Earth Caravan 2016

The 2016 edition of Earth Caravan began with Peace Cycling from Hiroshima to Tokyo to raise awareness about the need to abolish nuclear weapons. The Caravan then travelled back to Palestine and Israel to take part in the Bethlehem Live Festival and support the work of Israelis and Palestinians working together toward a just peace. The Caravan concluded its voyage with First Nations communities in northern Quebec, Canada.

Earth Caravan 2017

With two years momentum on its side, the Earth Caravan amplified its Peace Cycling efforts in Japan garnering increased media attention and public support. The Caravan also strengthened its support for Palestinian and Israeli grassroots efforts to end the occupation and promote peace and justice. In Canada, the Earth Caravan was invited back to First Nations communities in northern Quebec, to continue building bridges and promote healing among the Innu indigenous people.

Earth Caravan 2018

The 2018 edition of Peace Cycling from Hiroshima to Nagasaki included international participants from Israel and Palestine. Peace Concerts, Charity Markets, and candle lighting ceremonies were held in Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Tokyo.

The Earth Caravan expanded its journey to Bosnia and Serbia with International Peace Cycling from Sarajevo to Srebrenica to Belgrade, sharing and collecting messages of peace through concerts, art, interfaith workshops, and working with local NGOs and peace organizations

The Earth Caravan again returned to Palestine participating in projects such as house rebuilding, well cleaning, road construction, supporting refugee camps and Bedouin villages. Hiroshima Memorial Day was organized along with peace concerts at the  Bethlehem Live Peace Festival. Tao Shiatsu treatments were offered to the public as well as cultural exchanges, and an interfaith peace ceremony was held at Bethlehem University.

The Earth Caravan is a global interfaith pilgrimage dedicated to peace, healing and justice for the most traumatic places on our planet. Since 2015 the Earth Caravan has travelled from Nagasaki to Hiroshima, from Auschwitz to Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to Serbia, and from the First Nations of Canada to Israel and Palestine.

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